
Aliza is a wonderful dance leader. Along with the beautiful music she plays, she instructs and helps find movement that is genuine and authentic to the dancer. She is compassionate, sensitive and has wonderful energy.

— Tali B.

I look so forward to each Open Floor session. In addition to moving just the way my body and my soul need to move, I recognize emotions and feelings that surprise and delight me in a trusting community.

— Nancy N.

Aliza’s classes are balm for the body, mind and soul. I always learn something new and come away with a resource or image or physical experience… that intrigues, excites or takes me deeper.

— Laura P.

Aliza's phenomenal choice of music and gentle, loving guidance encourages each mover to explore multiple dimensions of ourselves. Whether we are guided to explore our physical body or how our movement expresses our feelings, whether we dance alone or with others, whether we express our transcendent self or our concrete self, I always leave this class deeply nourished and grateful. Aliza holds a loving and sacred container to explore all of who we are through dancing.

— Peggy B.

Aliza's dance circles bring a breath of fresh air to my week. I find her dance mentorship to be both dynamic and engaging, and allows me to enter into a centered space with my body and my breath. I am grateful for her smile, her energy, and her light. 

— Miriam K.